Bio-Information Reports

The category includes reports, or sections of reports, that analyze trends and opportunities in networking, software/ hardware, or data storage related to biotechnology, diagnostics or pharmaceutical R&D.

Report Titles


Next Generation Sequencing: Opportunities, Trends and World Market

Published: May-2011  

This report is about the fast-growing worldwide market for next-generation sequencing (NGS) tools and services. NGS systems makers are effectively driving down the cost of sequencing a human genome. Once the cost of full genome sequencing drops to $xxxx or less, scientists will be able to sequence…  more...


Biochips for Life Science Research, Diagnostics and Drug R&D

Published: Aug-2009  

This research report is about the worldwide biochip tools, technologies and services market. Biochips are also known as DNA microarrays, bioarrays, protein arrays, lab-on-a-chip, labchips, liquid arrays or multiplex arrays. These key mainstream life science research products and services involve…  more...


Commercializing Molecular Diagnostics: Products,Services,Companies and Global Market

Published: Jul-2008  

This report is about the molecular diagnostics market, including systems, consumables and clinical lab services. These key medical products and services use technologies that can detect single or multiple genomic, protein, metabolomic or other ‘-omic’ biomarkers. The detailed study…  more...


Life Science Tools and Technologies for Bio-Pharma R&D - Instruments, Tech Platforms, Informatics and Market

Published: Mar-2003  

This market research report is about the important market for life science tools & techs that are used for accelerating the research processes and capabilities of biopharmaceutical R&D. This key research information is valuable and offers readers a detailed overview of the size and shape of the…  more...


The Emerging Bio-IT Market: The Convergence of IT and Biopharmaceutical R&D - In-Silico High Performance Systems, Services, Opportunities and Market

Published: Jul-2002  

The combination of the bioscience industry with the information technology (IT) industry is emerging as an exciting industry segment that is being called bio-IT. Bioinformatics and biocomputing are other terms that sometimes mean the same thing as bio-IT. Companies involved in this interesting…  more...


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